3,650th Day of Secretly Loving the Crown Prince of Beijing’s Elite Circle


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**I Am the Most Loyal and Reliable Lackey of the Crown Prince of Beijing’s Elite Circle**

For ten years, my role transformed from being his college dorm roommate, sharing bunk beds, to becoming his right-hand man as he fought for family inheritance and built a business empire. Countless times, he smiled and said to me, “It’s so good to have you. We’ll be best friends, brothers for life.”

But after he drunkenly kissed me, he turned around and asked, “Why didn’t you pull away?”

“Because I love you,” I said, and with that, my hidden affection was exposed.

He, however, avoided me, immediately announcing his upcoming wedding.

On the day of the wedding, his fiancée was in a car accident. He went mad, found me, and demanded, “Was it you? Even without her, I could never love you!”

I didn’t explain and simply turned away.

On the 3,650th day of secretly loving the Crown Prince of Beijing’s elite circle, I decided to let myself go.

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3 Reviews sorted by

Shrike1978 rated it
October 9, 2024
Status: Completed
Fun. A wife-chasing crematorium where the MC doesn't run away, he goes for revenge and also never gets back together with the scum. A self-redemption kinda story with a new love waiting at the end.
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lilylili rated it
October 9, 2024
Status: Completed
A surprisingly pleasant short story. Pacing is just right for a short story, doesn't feel super rushed and/or doesn't feel like the story overstayed.

I like the ending makes sense in a way that

MC didn't get together with anyone immediately especially coming from a 10 year unrequited love.

The ending feels like an open ending.

Overall, great short story
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Staringatastar rated it
October 17, 2024
Status: Completed
What did I just read and why

This was horrible. I hate the scumbag and the MC. Both are so shallow, but I think I hate the MC more. He is portrayed as so smart and sincere, but isn't he as shallow as the scumbag with his love? And even worse, with his career. He'll work for the scumbag when he "loves" him despite knowing the scumbag has no redeeming features except for his face. Then he'll work for his enemy when the scumbag manages to finally incite him into seeking... more>> revenge.

When does he work for a living like the rest of us mortals? Oh right, he works for emotions, not a living. That's why he'd rather resign and save his love interest money he doesn't care about than get paid like a normal executive.

The logic in this story is nonexistent. The romance is also absent. At least there was an interesting ML that wasn't the scumbag. <<less
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