35mm of Love


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“A showdown between a wildlife photographer and an MI6 agent.”

Tang Mi said, “I’m sorry, but my heart is only 35mm wide. It can hold the world, but not you.”

Arthur asked, “What’s 35mm?”

She replied, “The width of a roll of film.”

He laughed, “Alright, then give me 35mm of love, and I’ll give you the whole world.”

When they first met, she held a sharp camera lens, and he held a ruthless gun, locked in a standoff with no clear winner. When they met again, she was on the run, and he cast a tight net to capture her, a tense pursuit tangled with love and hate. In the end, she traveled around the world, chasing after his elusive trail, all for that 35mm of love.

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  2. Completely Translated Novel Highly Recommended
  3. Romance - Drama - Slice of life - Adult (On-Going)

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