2.43: Seiin High School Boys’ Volleyball Club


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After causing serious trouble on his Tokyo middle school’s powerhouse volleyball team, Kimichika Haijima moves to his mother’s hometown in Fukui where he spent his childhood, and reunites with his childhood friend Yuni Kuroba. The two grow as an ace duo but clash at their final middle school prefectural tournament and went on to their local Seiin High School without speaking to each other. With their arrival, the weak boys’ volleyball team aims for nationals.

Associated Names
One entry per line
2.43 清陰高校男子バレー部
2.43: Seiin Kōkō Danshi Volley-bu
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Oof_Ash.Here rated it
January 4, 2023
Status: Completed
Read it, Watch it, And Did Not Regret it.

It was amazing especially the build up between the characters.

Kind of sad there isn’t the next part and my guess like all the sport storyline goes if there is ever a next one, they will introduce new main characters and introduce the pervious one that had reach their goal and are higher up.

Welp, kinda grew on them but yeah it was amazing though I had wished that they focused one the others as well.
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