Naruse Chisato
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233 Chapters Every 2.6 Day(s) 6476 Readers 16 Reviews 02-05-2025
Thanks to the Goddess, he was reincarnated into nobility! That should have been great―― but the skill he got, 【Toxin Decomposition EX】 was simply too plain, and he was made fun of everyday at home……... more>>

268 Chapters Every 57.3 Day(s) 3828 Readers 15 Reviews 11-15-2022
Thanks to the Goddess, he was reincarnated into nobility! That should have been great―― but the skill he got, 【Toxin Decomposition EX】 was simply too plain, and he was made fun of everyday at home……... more>>
13 Chapters Every 113.5 Day(s) 404 Readers 1 Reviews 08-02-2022
Tosaku Yukikazu was a student in peaceful Japan but during his break, he and his classmates were suddenly summoned to a different world to be warriors.... more>>
10 Chapters Every 148.4 Day(s) 448 Readers 1 Reviews 02-04-2021
Rent Farrant discovered a magic book in his home library when he was a child.... more>>