The Tenth Continent


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I am used to waiting, as I once stood above all the Gods and overlooked the entire Balesta.

I once grasped the Staff of the High Heaven, I once wore the Robe of the Chaotic King, I once stepped with the Boots of the Mirror World… I once brought the Divine Tool of Creation to search for the way out.

Light cannot escape darkness and exist on its own, and the meaning of darkness is to save the light. Chaos always produces the voice of the heart, and order will only breed habit.

So, within the huge currents of the Creation, I stand back and wait at the origin.

I tour through Balesta, travel through the void and alien worlds, shatter the disputes of the mirror… Too many mysterious that causes me to be powerless to resist.

Only until your appearance did I gradually understand that…

——All mysteries are in the Tenth Continent.

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Di Shi Da Lu
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08/30/15 Flower Bridge Too c1
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